Helping You Profit With Today's Technology

Milwaukee Business Tech Support

Virtual Automation Labs is a leading provider of professional IT support services in Milwaukee.

From emerging technologies to day-to-day network operation, our IT solutions help deliver the level of technology necessary to make a real difference in your bottom line. We specialize in IT Support services for legal, accounting, engineering and other professional companies.



Concentrate on your business, not IT support services

Stop worrying about your IT support and focus on what really counts, your business! Leave the job of IT support to experts that can keep your business up and running. Our team of experts are available to provide proactive, personalized network solutions that minimize downtime and maximize productivity.

Depend on a partner with proven IT success

Virtual Automation Labs has successfully designed, installed and upgraded multiple networks for various businesses in Milwaukee and Racine counties. We have the tools, expertise and best practices needed to meet and exceed our clients’ needs for improved production through technology.

Security Solutions

network design

Unified Gateway Security for Smart IT Networks

Traditional firewalls can only block/accept traffic based on IP addresses and ports and offer little protection outside of that. This approach is quickly becoming obsolete in today’s Internet where many applications send/receive traffic over ports that are typically allowed by traditional firewalls. The built-in application firewall of the UTM appliance overcomes the limitations of yesterday’s firewall and allows the device to monitor, control, and block hundreds of applications such as Skype, YouTube and Facebook; helping enhance employee productivity and enforce network usage policies.

Server Management

server repairIf there is one piece of hardware that can be labeled as
the heart of a company’s computer network, it is the server.
Whether you’re planning to upgrade or install a new server
our engineers can help advise you on the type of server that
best fits your needs and budget.